Monday, September 19, 2011

Raining on Sunday

This weekend was extra lazy.  Saturday was spent watching football and Sunday was spent watching more football (then the Emmys).   In all honesty, it was heavenly.  I wore sweats and FINALLY figured out how to edit pictures/make collages/take pictures on my Mac.  The BF and I also spent time decorating for Autumn.  We got out all of our "punkin stuff" and are officially ready for the upcoming season change. 



  1. I absolutely LOVE loungy fall days inside in sweats and I know it's the one thing I'll miss come December in Aus when it's +30 and I'm used to -30 haha! Fantastic that you figured out the whole collage thing too (it took me forever!), what program are you using? I've been using GIMP and looking to try other ones :)

    xo Danielle

  2. I use GIMP too! I did try Snagit for a 30 day trial and I did really like it - I'm not sure I like it enough to buy it though - Gimp is good enough for now!
