Art that surprises is the art I look back on and remember. When I came across designers and artists Luzinterruptus, and saw the meaningful street art they produced throughout the streets of Madrid I was completely mesmerized. They use lights as their medium, and create amazingly beautiful imagery that goes much deeper than simply being pretty. Below are some example of what they have created and the messages their sending out to the people of Spain.
The photos above are all about preservation. Encapsulated by glowing umbrellas, tiny animal figurines are place among illuminated foliage. The message is clear and captivating.
The photos above signify how garbage baskets on the streets of Madrid are like stranded ships in the ocean. They are stranded between the bustle of the city, and the tide can never quite reach them to take them back out to sea.
These are all poems that were apart of a poetry contest held in Madrid. This was a magical way to display all of the entries, and were offered to the public as keepsakes. The artists also wanted us to remember how letters and poetry used to be sent in the mail.
In September of last year, the beautifully colored umbrellas were placed on piles of dirt in the city to represent a sort of farewell to summer. It also represents how the bustle of the city can at times make one feel chaotic and at other times feel downright festive.
Plants were placed in plastic containers and come to life thanks to the help of some eery green lights. Placed on an old building's side, the art is showing the need for more greenery in city spaces.