Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Champagne Supernova Summer

What heaven looks like?

Rain, you can be done now.  Summer, I'm ready for you.  Maybe it was going home this past weekend and seeing old friends, but I couldn't be more excited for the arrival of sunshine, tanning, watermelon, late nights, boat rides, and just being outside (lots).  I'm oddly excited for it this year and am bound and determined to make it great.  It's always been the time year when things have happened. I'm not sure why.  All my great loves, accomplishments, and memories have occurred during the balmy months of June through August (I sorta count May and September too) and I can't wait to see what the coming months bring.   Until it's here, the daydreams below are keep my mind occupied.

The Adisia Maxi Dress from Anthropologie ($228).  This is THE maxi I've been looking for.   It will be dreamy on warm summer nights.

Pardon the boring video, but this song speaks for itself.  Ray Lamontagne's "Hannah"  is the perfect love song and takes me right back to summer every time I hear it.

Being this tan.  And this happy :O)  And wearing flowers in my hair.

Braids pinned up are perfectly summer.

Get caught up in towels, romance, and days by the water. A'la Geogia Jagger.

Cause it's as pretty as it is delicious.

And I want to capture  it ALL.



  1. i just love these photos! it gets me so excited for my trip to Turkey. Where is the first photo from?


  2. Ahhh I am so ready for summer too! At least you have rain and not snow :(

    Gorgeous photos! I'm kind of in the mood for watermelon now lol!

